תצוגת ספרי IOP בין תאריכים 26-30.11.17


תצוגת ספרי IOP ממוקמת בכניסה לספרייה בין התאריכים 26-30.11.2017.

ניתן להזמין את הספרים באמצעות מערכת דעת"א ולשאול אותם בתום התצוגה. 

לעיונכם רשימת הספרים:

About science, myself and others / Vitaly L. Ginzburg -- [English ed.].

Achieving quality in brachytherapy / Bruce Thomadsen

Astrophysical techniques / C.R. Kitchin -- 4th ed.

Black holes, wormholes & time machines / Jim Al-Khalili

Cosmology in gauge field theory and string theory / David Bailin, Alexander Love

Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the nebulae

Electron-Positron Physics at the Z / by M.G. Green ...et al.

Fast light, slow light, and left-handed light / P.W. Milonni

Gema : birthplace of German radar and sonar / translated from the German and edited by Louis Brown

Groups, representations, and physics -- 2nd ed.

Industrial plasma engineering / J. Reece Roth

Internal structure of black holes and spacetime singularities: an international research workshop,

Introduction to nuclear reactions / Carlos A. Bertulani and Pawel Danielewicz

Introduction to plasma physics / by Robert J. Goldston and Paul H. Rutherford

Mathematically speaking: a dictionary of quotations / selected and arranged by Carl C. Gaither and

Medical device safety: the regulation of medical devices for public health and safety / Gordon R. H

Microscopic dynamics of plasmas and chaos / Yves Elskens, Dominique Escande

Minimally invasive medical technology / edited by John G. Webster

Monte Carlo calculations in nuclear medicine: applications in diagnostic imaging / edited by Michae

Neutrons, nuclei, and matter: an exploration of the physics of slow neutrons

Non-equilibrium air plasmas at atmospheric pressure / K.H. Becker ... [et al.]

Novel nanocrystalline alloys and magnetic nanomaterials: an Oxford-Kobe materials text / edited by

Optical angular momentum / [edited by] L. Allen, Stephen M. Barnett, Miles J. Padgett

Optical astronomical spectroscopy

Permanent magnetism / by Ralph Skomski, J.M.D. Coey

Physical methods for materials characterization / by P.E.J. Flewitt and R.K. Wild

Physically speaking: a dictionary of quotations on physics and astronomy / selected and arranged by

Physics of continuous matter: exotic and everyday phenomena in the macroscopic world / B. Lautrup

Protein geometry, classification, topology, and symmetry : a computational analysis of structure / Wi

Quantum mechanics / Alastair I.M. Rae -- 4th ed.

Quantum statistical mechanics: equilibrium and non-equilibrium theory from first principles / Phil

Semiconductor interfaces, microstructures, and devices : properties and applications / edited by Zhe

Soft and fragile matter: nonequilibrium dynamics, metastability, and flow : proceedings of the Fift

The particle century / edited by Gordon Fraser

The Physics and technology of laser resonators / edited by D.R. Hall and P.E. Jackson

The physics of the interstellar medium / by J.E. Dyson and D.A. Williams -- 2nd ed.

The plasma boundary of magnetic fusion devices / Peter C. Stangeby

The pursuit of perfect packing / Tomaso Aste and Denis Weaire

Ultrasound in medicine / edited by Francis A. Duck, Andrew C. Baker, Hazel C. Starritt

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