מקורות נבחרים לספרים אלקטרוניים
Disciplines: All Exact Sciences & Engineering disciplines
Description: DOAB - Directory of Open Access Books provides access to scholarly published books. DOAB is a service of OAPEN Foundation, a member of OASPA (http://oaspa.org), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.

Disciplines: Electronics & Semiconductors, Electrical & Power Engineering, Nanotechnology, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Description: Knovel's comprehensive content collection delivers Technical information for engineers and applied scientists. Provides material properties, process and design information, best practices, equations and formulations for specific industries and engineering disciplines. Platform enables optimized search and analytical tools.

Disciplines: Computer science
Description: The platform provides instruction and reference materials on computer programming, technology, and business. It includes ebooks, videos, structured learning paths, case studies, interactive tutorials, audio books, and videos. Content is provided by O’Reilly & Associates and by 200 publishers. Items can be saved and organized in personalized playlists. The subscription also provides access through the O'Reilly app available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. Click here for instructions how to use O'Reilly

Disciplines: Physics, Engineering, Chemistry
Description: A growing collection of Press Monographs: authoritative reference works, texts, and handbooks. Tutorial Texts: Works covering fundamental and emerging topics at introductory and intermediate levels. Field Guides: Concise quick-reference guides to key information that students, practicing engineers, and scientists need in the lab and in the field.

Disciplines: All Exact Sciences & Engineering disciplines
Description: Wiley is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies.
Wiley Online Library delivers intuitive navigation, enhanced discoverability, expanded functionalities and a range of personalization and alerting options.